Monday, June 11, 2012

Our Logo: Passion

The meaning behind Apprenticeship, Passion, Foundation, and Cooking.

The fire symbol on our logo represents 'Passion.' Like fire, passion is an energy that is versatile and limitless with potential. It is a fuel that motivates people, drives them through obstacles, and guides them towards their true desires. With this potential, it creates and destroys. Skyscrapers have been built with passion, in the very cities that have been demolished by passion. It can paint timeless masterpieces, and write speeches that drives nations into war. In the end, passion is like the horse to a chariot, while desire holds the reigns.

Your passion is one of the four symbols on our emblem because it is the essence to our organization and our purpose. Weekend Internship provides classes that can introduce you to any activity we can offer. These classes are meant to teach you the basics and get you started. However, our classes (our internship) are only one weekend long. What you accomplish and the intensity with which you continue this activity will be fueled entirely by your passion. Our purpose to society is to connect people to things they are passionate about, and to crush the barriers that separated them in the first place. It is our hopes that our interns (participants) will take classes for activities that they are truly passionate about. If we are able to do this, we firmly believe that our interns will continue this activity for the rest of their lives. They will be fueled by the strongest energy, and will thus be able to create wonderful and beautiful things.

"Nothing great in this world has been accomplished without passion."
~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

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